GBM on Foundation Day 2023




All, Meetings


For CME & GBM: Kailash Hospital, Sec 71, Noida
For Dinner: Noida Golf Course
The GBM of branch held on 30-07-23 at Kailash Hospital and Neuro Institute, Noida 71. Meeting was attended by 24 members. GBM was preceded by annual CME on the occasion of foundation day.
Dr Subrat Dam started CME with welcome note and introduction of speaker. Theme of CME was “Impact, Excellence and Beyond in the City of Gautam Budh Nagar”.
After the CME , GBM started. After seeking permission from President Dr Kapil Singhal, Dr Mukul Kumar Jain, Hon secretary started GBM with a welcome address and appraised all the members about the activities of branch during last year. Different agenda were discussed and approved in the meeting as follows-

  1. Agenda no. 1- ISA Cricket League- A cricket tournament is organised under ISA and this year our branch will host same in Feb 2024 at large scale. All members agreed with same.
  2. Agenda no.2- To send a yuva team (as proposed by host) in UPISACON 2023- A team of 8 younger members will be sent , if eligible members volunteered for same. All agreed.
  3. Agenda no. 3- Donation of Rupees 50,000/- to UP ISA for ISA House at Lucknow. Passed Unanimously
  4. Agenda no. 4- Standards for minimal requirements in OT and Fixation of Anaesthesia Charges for Private members- All members were agreed for same and it is decided to form a committee under Dr Ashish and Dr Anuj, Dr Tritya and Dr Rahul Singh will support them. Dr Tritya was requested to hold some trainings at Dist Hospital, to spread awareness about Anesthesiologist for which he agreed.
  5. Agenda no. 5- GBM attendance as an eligibility criteria for key posts like 04 Elected Post, Scientific Cordinator, Executive members and Editor- News Letter. It was decided that attendance in atleast 2 out of 3 GBM are to required for all the above mentioned posts in branch. Further as this issue is being discussed now, for next year, the waiver for same in the form of only 1 attendance of GBM is given. After that 2 out of 3 rule will be implemented.
  6. Agenda no. 6- To start e- News Letter- The GB was appraised to start e- News letter of branch and contribution from all members was asked. Dr Poonam Motiani is the editor for the same, other members are to be decided. Members were requested to send articles by 16th of August. First draft is supposed to be prepared by end of August and E Copy to be out in Mid September.

Beside these agenda, 2 table agendas were also discussed as-
  1. Nomination of Founder President (Dr Kapil Singhal) and Founder Secretary ( Dr Mukul Kumar Jain)- The agenda was raised by Dr Peeyush Chaudhary, keep DR Kapil Singhal (founder president) and Dr Mukul Kumar Jain (founder secretary) as life long custodian of branch, with their names on letter heads of branch and they will be a part of all important decisions in future as well. As they had done lot of, to start the branch and the establishment of branch. All members present, consented for same.
  2. To organise dinner for all branch members to felicitate Dr Kapil Singhal- Dr Sameer raised the agenda to organise a dinner in hounour of Dr Kapil Singhal, Founder president of association, as he is elected President of UP chapter of ISA.
The meeting was ended with vote of thanks by President Dr Kapil Singhal.

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